Monday, February 18, 2013


I couldn't think of anything to write about today, until for some reason it occurred to me to google Beatles shoes.  Oh my goodness.  Go here if you want to get sucked in, or you can just see the few random ones I selected.  I want Beatles shoes.  I loooooove the Beatles.  Love them.  Between them and egg nog it was how the BFF and I knew we were soul mates and meant to be friends forever (no we don't have a love of egg's a long story).  I have no idea why I've never looked at Beatles shoes before, I've googled lots of other paraphernalia.  Anyhoo, here are some of the ones I found:

There are more.  Sooo many more.  I would wear these.  I would look like I dork and I wouldn't even care.  I would wear them with one of my many Beatles t-shirts and I would listen to Beatles music while looking at Beatles pictures.  Ooooh, and I could get matching shoes for the nieces!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, I know at least 2 that would love it!
