Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lent 1

Today is the first Sunday in Lent, so I broke out a new pair of purple shoes.  I took a few pictures in the full-length mirror but none of them came out looking at all purple, so I took another in my office where the light was better.

I love them.  Think they're adorable, and they are fairly comfortable, which is always nice.
So, I've mentioned before that I tend toward klutziness and today was no exception.  In the altar area of our sanctuary we have termite damage, which means there are several soft spots under the carpet.  Today as I was walking back to the altar after sharing the peace I hit one of those just right , lost my balance, and went flying.  Thankfully several chairs broke my fall, and I wasn't hurt, but of course about half of the congregation saw this delightful scene play out.  Oy.  20 seconds after this I had to sing the kyrie.  I did OK, I think, considering the adrenaline and heart-pumping.  So, in case you were ever wondering if pastors are regular people?  Just look to me...I'm as regular and un-divine as they come!


  1. There should be x's on those spots to prevent such catastrophes. me

  2. Or maybe they should fix those spots? Just a thought. Jo

  3. Oh...and I forgot to mention - I LOVE the new purple shoes! They are BEAUTIFUL. Probably my favorites of all the shoes I've seen you wear. But then, purple is my favorite color. I have to say, though, that your wedding shoes were pretty spectacular even though they were not purple - they were really beautiful too. Okay, it's a tie between those and these. Blue and shiny satin tie with purple suede...they are suede, right? Jo
