Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Day of Bad Photography

Neither of the pictures I took today turned out well, despite trying a couple of times on each.  I've decided to blame my phone.  I'm sure the problem is actually user error, but my phone can't fight back.  First up is today's calendar shoe:

Helloooo, 70s!  I actually like the colors of the stripes, but these are just way too clunky for me.  A coworker saw this today and said she immediately pictured a polyester pant suit and a fabulous 'fro.  Nice!
I'm wearing my one pair of Easter socks today.  I know it's not Easter, but they actually kind of go with the shirt I'm wearing, so I went with festive socks during Holy Week.
My mom bought these for me several years ago, and I think they're adorable.  Love the colors, and the polka dots, and the chick.  Sadly today I noticed the beginning of a hole in one sock.  I guess I will have to look for new fun socks.  Or learn to darn, which is the better choice, but not the more fun choice.
Lest  you think I'm wearing a polka dot shirt with a chick on it...
And yes, I did take this as a self portrait while sitting in front of my computer...

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