Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter Shoes on Holy Monday

It's one of those days where I had no ideas what to talk about.  So I googled Easter Shoes.  I wasn't that impressed by what I found until I scrolled down to these:

Ohmygosh, how cute are these?  I totally want some even though I don't have even the prospect of a baby right now.  Adorbs.  Totally made me smile.
And then I found this picture

That is the foot of an Episcopal priest, and while I don't know her, I have decided we should clearly be best friends.  Best shoe friends, that is.  I don't want the BFF to kick me.  No wait, I already have a best shoe friend.  I don't want her to kick me, either.  Well, clearly she will be my very best pastor shoe friend that I haven't and probably will never meet.
There are other cute pictures, but you will just have to go peruse them yourself.  I mean, I can't do all the work for you, now can I?

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