Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Arts Camp, Day 2

Day 2 is going very well.  The kids are a little wound up, but not as bad as they usually are on Wednesday.  It's calmer for me, too.  The first day there are always a million details to straighten out, and then things calm down as the week goes on.  I still run a lot, but not as bad as that first day.  The kids have some great shoes, though, so I took some pics today while we were outside for lunch.  They all thought I was crazy when I asked them if I could take pictures of their shoes, but no one told me no.

The color didn't come out great, but I loved the contrasting turquoise zipper on the gray tennies.

The pink and black belong to the feet of one of my favorite kiddos of all time.  I know I shouldn't have favorites, but on this one I just can't help myself.  She is awesome on mulitple levels.  Her friend in the boots is awesome too.  Who wouldn't be with great boots like that?
I love feet in circle pictures.
Oh, and here's my favorite quote of the day so far:
3rd grade girl:  "Pastor Sarah, we were just talking about a cookie in the shape of a witch that my grandma made me!"
Me:  "That sounds really cool."
3GG:  "Yeah, my dog ate it.  My dog's dead now."
Whoa...knowing this child, I'm pretty sure those 2 incidents aren't related, but dang, kid!

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