Monday, March 18, 2013

Arts Camp, Day 1

Today was the first day of Arts Camp at church.  Our school system runs on a modified traditional schedule, which means the kids get 2 weeks off for Fall break, Christmas, and Spring break, with a fairly short summer.  The church does a camp the second week of Fall and Spring breaks.  Arts Camp is usually the calmest camp, and the smallest (I'm sure the 2 go together).  We have about 50 kids regiestered this year, which is smaller than the last 2 years.  It sounds pretty impressive (which it is) until you realize we get anywhere between 180 and 300 for Vacation Bible School during the summer.
As the director, I run a LOT.  I got to the church at 6:30 this morning, camp went from 9-3, and I might have managed to sit down for an hour if I total up all the little breaks.  The kids are gone now, so I'm sitting, writing this, and then taking care of everything I need to do for tomorrow.  I usually sleep REALLY well during camp weeks.  Camps are a lot of fun, but as I said I am on my feet most of the day, so I thought I'd break out the new tennies and see how they did.  I've worked out in them, but this is a bit more extensive.
I think they did pretty well, all things considered.  They definitely have a a lot of good support, and felt great while I raced up and down the stairs 7,000 times.  They were even good during the Hippo Song!
I didn't personally get any great quotes today, but our parish nurse told me about 2 small girls who came to her with headaches and then proceeded to tell her all about the black aliens with red eyes who live in their minds and give them headaches.  She told them not to watch that kind of movie right before going to bed...

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