Sunday, March 31, 2013


Yay!  Easter was awesome!  3 services, starting at 6 this morning, then brunch with the hubby, and then a delightful 3 hour nap.  That was glorious.  Easter worship is always amazing, but that nap is a close second in joyfulness for me.  I got new shoes for the day:

They reminded me of Easter colors.  And I can wear them with darn near anything.  Of course, today I wore them with black, but what else is new?  I loved all of the Easter dresses the little girls were wearing, and there were some really cute shoes, but I HAD to take a picture of these:
The stripey ones totally remind of Easter eggs.  I LOVE them!  Sadly, she wears a bigger shoe than I do, so I can't steal, um...I mean borrow them.  Sigh.  I also love that her daughter got in on the picture.  They are so cute together, head to toe.
I hope you have a wonderful Easter, however you celebrated!  I'm going to go eat some chocolate now.

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