Saturday, March 30, 2013

Holy Saturday

Man, am I tired.  Good day, just long.  Spring cleaning at church this morning, followed by a rehearsal for Easter vigil, then back to the church to finish stuff up, a quick nap and then off to celebrate the vigil at the Episcopal church.  Like I said, good day, but definitely time for bed so I can get up at 4 tomorrow morning.  But first, some shoes!  First up, the shoe calendar:
Do these say Easter to you?  I am undecided.  Of course, I love the color, but not sure about the shape.  The description says they are slingbacks, so maybe that makes me less favorable toward them.  Although, I actually wore slingbacks to the Easter vigil tonight!
Sorry for yet another blurry picture.  I don't know what's going on with my pictures lately.  So, these are the shoes.  They are my Easter shoes from 2 years ago, and I love the material.  Here's another view:

Oh look, another blurry picture.  I tried to crop it more so  you could see them better, but that just made it blurrier, totally defeating the purpose.  Maybe I need to hire a photographer for the blog.  And by "hire" I mean ask really really nicely.  At least you can see the shape here.  The don't slip too bad, which is why they are the only pair of slingbacks I own.  Tomorrow, new Easter shoes!  Oh, and the new life of the new creation in Christ!  Probably shouldn't bury that lead, eh?

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