Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lent 4

Once again the lighting in the room at church with the full-length mirror strikes again, making my purple shoes look brown.

You would think I'd just photograph them at home, or some other logical alternative.  But apparently I prefer to continue taking not-so-well-lit pictures.  I did take another in my office so you could see the color.
You probably noticed that these are much shorter than my usual Sunday heel height.  I actually bought these several years ago (can't remember if it was when I was still in seminary or during my first call), before my heel height started creeping incrementally higher.  Regardless of the heel height, though, I always take my shoes off when I preach.  Unless of course I'm wearing boots or something more complicated that I can't just slip out of.
Isn't our orange carpet beyootiful?  We have orange pews, too!  Anyhoo, I like to preach in bare feet whenever possible.  The acolytes who sit behind me usually think it's funny.  People in the congregation who notice think it's funny when I shrink several inches during the process of saying, "grace and peace to you in the name of our risen Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen."
That's it for purple shoes.  I only have the 3 pairs, although there is more of the season of Lent to come.  I will have to repeat or not match my shoes to the liturgical color of the day.  Either one is fine with me.  I'll probably go with not matching as I don't like to wear the same pair of shoes too close together.  Yes, I do know that I need therapy for my shoe weirdness. :-)

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