Monday, March 11, 2013

What the Heck?

A friend sent me this yesterday.  I am horrified.

I honestly have no words.  Why are these in existence?  Why would anyone wear them?   Please tell me no one actually wears them...  Oh wait, they come in black, too!

And these are for women!  I could have my very own pair of ugly-ass Boot-flip-flop monstrosities!  These are almost enough to make me renounce shoes all together.
Another friend posted this on my facebook wall recently.
If this is true, than those boot thingies above are saying, "I hate feet.  And ankles.  And shins."


  1. Just think how much fun you could have riding your horse through brush in those. Add some spurs and you'd be super cool. You should send that picture to Tracy. me

    1. I'm sure Tracy would *love* them! And spurs would be hilarious. :-)

  2. Oh geeeeeez, those are ridiculous!!! Looks like they just didn't finish the boot. Also, who would want that tan line?!?!?

    1. Holy buckets, I hadn't thought about the tan line! Yikes!

  3. Oh my that is so redneck...
