Thursday, March 28, 2013

Maundy Thursday

I think I was born in the wrong decade.  I love so many styles from different eras.  I'm sure I've babbled on about this before, but I love go-go boots, and poodle skirts, and Gibson girl styles, and flapper dresses, and on and on.  OK, I probably don't necessarily want to live in all of these eras.  I like things now, like the right to vote, the ability to be ordained, the fact that my marriage to man of color isn't illegal.  Oh, but the clothes.  I wonder if I could get a time machine and just go back to visit those times for  historical and clothing purposes of interest?  In the meantime, I just dress up for Halloween.  All of this leads up to today's calendar picture:
I  love them.  And why can't I seem to take a decent picture lately???
Today, as the post title says, is Maundy Thursday.  Last Sunday was Palm Sunday, this Sunday is Easter, which means we are smack in the middle of Holy Week.  For pastors, this means lots of services.  From last Sunday to this, I will be involved in 9 different services.  From a lighter perspective, it also means I get to plan shoes with lots of different clerical outfits.  Today I went with these:
These are some of my favorites.  At my first congregation I had one woman who would always complain when I wore "boring" shoes.  For her, that meant shoes that didn't have color.  I like the simplicity of these, and I love the ankle strap.  Besides, I'm wearing a green dress today with a big pattern of black and white flowers, so I think simple shoes are probably better in this case.  I've had these shoes for a long time.  I was thinking 5 years or so, until I realized that I wore these shoes at the bean's baptism, and the bean is going to be 10 in July.  Yikes.  So now I'm trying to remember if I bought these when I still lived in Texas, or if I bought them my first semester of seminary.  Oh well, 10 years on and I still like them.

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