Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

I always think the weather should reflect Holy Week events.  Good Friday should be gray and cloudy and dreary, while Easter should be bright and sunny and cheery.  Looks like we're going to have the opposite this year.  The sun is shining today, and it's supposed to rain on Sunday.  Clearly, the weather did not get my memo...
So, onto shoes.  Today's selection:

They might be a little cheerful for a day like Good Friday.  Today I'm wearing all black, though, so I feel like I can get away with a little color on my feet.  I like that I can wear these shoes with almost anything because of their varied colors.  I also love the fact that I got them on sale for $8!  It's the simple things that make me happy.
Today is also my oldest niece's 16th birthday.  How the heck did she get to be 16?  She'll be getting her driver's license soon, she's a sophomore in high school, and it's all very strange.  She's growing up to be a beautiful young woman.  Here is how the calendar wished her a Happy Birthday today:
Eh.  Not my favorite.  Not horrible though.  I haven't heard the Birthday girl's opinion on them, yet.  They are from 1992, so I would have been 16 on March 29th of that year, since my birthday's not until April.  I like the symmetry!

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