Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

I have shocking news for you today:  I DON'T have green shoes for St. Patrick's Day!  What is wrong with me?  OK, back up.  I DO have some green shoes if you remember my post from last week.  What I don't have are green HEELS for church.  I knew this, I guess, but didn't really think about it until it was too late to do anything about it.  I used to have the cutest pair of green velvet heels, but they died a sad death one Christmas Eve while I was on internship.  I'm still in mourning for those shoes.  I thought about just wearing festive socks for church...

...but figured that might be a little much.  It's one thing to kick my shoes off when I preach where no one can really see my feet.  It's another to just run around in my stocking feet for 2 services.  The kids probably would have liked it, though.
At any rate, I ended up wearing my gold shoes.
They seemed festive for the day.  Rainbows and pots of gold, right?  These are actually the shoes that appeared in my very first blog post, and they have very high heels.  My assisting minister and I were standing in the back of the sanctuary this morning while the senior pastor did announcements and she said to me, "Man, you get tall when you put on your church shoes!"  Which is true.  I am taller during church than at any other time!
Hope everyone has had a great holiday, however you celebrate.  Today I'm missing being home with my family and eating corned beef and cabbage, despite the fact that I don't really like either of those things.  It's tradition, and I miss it when I'm not home.  I could make my own, but so far haven't.  Oh well, I leave you with my favorite St. Patrick's Day cartoon:


  1. The corned beef was fantastically delicious! Your brother "corned" it himself, 10 days in the frig. You might have even liked it.

  2. Goooo, brother! Wish I could have been there, but I'll see you in TWO weeks!!!!!
