Saturday, March 23, 2013


I am crazy tired today.  I fell asleep at 8:30 last night, then woke up at 11:30 and couldn't figure out why all the lights were on.  I brushed my teeth, turned out lights, went back to sleep, and didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning.  And I'm STILL tired!  I'm back at church for a few hours today and it's a struggle to stay awake.  Oh well, let's talk about shoes.  This is from the calendar today and I LOVE it:
This is from 1933, but I've seen some similar styles that are out now.  I would definitely wear the retro version.  I'm picturing these shoes with a fabulous suit (with a skirt, obviously since it's the 30s), and an awesome hat.
Sometime this week (who knows when, it's all a bit of a blur), one of my fabulous camp volunteers brought me this:
It's a book about purses through the decades.  I'm not into purses as much as I'm into shoes, but there are some amazing purses in here.  The BFF LOVES purses, so I might just have to take this home with me and let her flip through it and drool.  I've only flipped through it a little, but there was some really cool stuff.  I definitely like the retro purses better than the more modern ones, though.  Don't worry, I'm not going to start another blog about handbags, but I might put a few of them on here once in awhile just for fun.

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