Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday

I almost spaced out posting reason, just didn't do it earlier and then forgot until now.  Today is Palm Sunday, and we always have a parade at church where the kids decorate their bikes or scooters or trikes and then process them through the parking lot and into the sanctuary.  It's a lot of fun and the kids love it.  You've seen these shoes before, but they seemed festive and fun for a celebratory day.

These are the shoes I wore for our wedding rehearsal and I love how bright and fun they are.  I decided they "sort of" look like palms.  OK, not really, but they are the closest I had.  Use your imagination and humor me.
Tonight I am relaxing and watching Singin' in the Rain.  I adore this movie.  I love love love it.  Gene Kelly always makes me smile.  Tonight, though, I'm paying more attention to Debbie Reynolds' and the other dancers' shoes than I usually do.  Wouldn't it be fun if our lives were a musical?  Of course, I couldn't dance in the shoes I normally wear, or I'd break my neck...


  1. I suppose we could stretch it to look like palms but I see feathers, too bad there is no feather Sun. ME

    1. Feathers...palms...I SAID use your imagination! :-)
