Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hodge Podge

First, it appears that I was over-thinking last night (shocker, I know) on the square dancing shoes.  When I was looking for pictures things like Latin Dance shoes kept popping up.  Plus, there are ballet shoes, tap dancing shoes, etc., so I guess I assumed shoes for square dancing had some identifying character.  Nope.  I like learning new things, especially random things.
For instance, did you know you could crochet shoes?  I actually did, from finding the baby shoes pictures for a recent post.  Here is a reminder if you don't feel like clicking on the link:
I'd never really thought about crocheting shoes until I saw that picture, and then the calendar presented me with this:

These are from 1944, and they are...interesting.  I don't love them.  I don't hate them, but I don't think I would wear them.  Love that they are colorful, but would I wear this particular combination of color and stripes?  Also, I love to crochet, but I don't seem myself crocheting myself shoes any time soon.
In other shoe news, my coworker is wearing adorable fleep flops today:

I love the turquoise flower!  It almost makes me wish I liked flip flops more.  I also like her blue pedicure, but like my over-thinking, my liking something blue will shock no one.
Finally, how do you feel about tiaras?  Obviously they aren't shoes, but I do love a little sparkle.  The nieces, Mom, and I always wear tiaras when we have a tea party.  But if you click on the link you will get a slide show of real tiaras, worn by royalty attending the events surrounding the abdication of the Queen of the Netherlands.
Man, I learned a lot today.  Square dance shoes, crocheted shoes, world events.  Awesome.  Now, how can I fit all of this into my next sermon?

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