Wednesday, May 1, 2013

So Many Words, and Also None

I'm currently in Fresno for Synod Assembly.  Assembly actually starts tomorrow, but I had a Synod Council meeting today, so I got to come a day early.  The meeting was at a local church, and was fine.  The best part were the adorable children who came and did a dance they've been practicing.  They were not great and absolutely perfect.  They hadn't practiced much yet, and were so nervous, but they put their very best into it and that came through beautifully.  It was definitely a bright spot in my day.  As was getting to hang out with the BSF.  Usually they won't let us sit together at meetings because they don't think we can behave ourselves.  We were sneaky today and grabbed seats together and apparently were well enough behaved that we didn't get asked to sit elsewhere.  The low part of the day is that between the air conditioning and a horrid floral smell in the room we were meeting in, my head is now pounding and my sinuses hate me.  I shall be going to bed early instead of hanging out and possibly having a drink tonight.
Shoes...I'm not feeling it tonight.  I didn't take a picture of the shoe calendar this morning before I left, I'm wearing shoes I've already posted recently, and no one at the meeting was wearing shoes that jumped out at me.  And my stupid head hurts.  So I'm posting this because I don't know what the heck it is:
I wish there was a picture with a foot in it, because even with the handy dandy arrows, I still can't figure out how these suckers stay on.  Any thoughts?  Can you imagine trying to walk in them?  On the fun side, these would totally freak my congregation out!  I should wear them next time I preach so they pay more attention to my crazy shoes than to my sub-par sermon. :-)


  1. Even if they do stay on they can't be the least bit comfortable. ME

  2. I like them,especially the green of course! I am HOPING that you put your foot in them and they bend/adjust to fit your foot, one size fits all!

  3. They are really, REALLY weird, but I suspect once you got them on, and IF they stayed on, they would LOOK really cool and elegant! I would love to see them on your feet, Sarah! Heck, even I might be able to wear them - they are not very high. JO
