Thursday, May 30, 2013

20 Years???

Today is the 20th anniversary of my high school graduation.  I knew it was Memorial Day weekend, because it always is, but couldn't remember the date.  So I dug out my diploma, which just said, "this MONTH of May."  How is that helpful?  Although, a friend of ours graduated this past Sunday and her diploma said 2008.  Way to go administration...nice proof reading!  My 8th grade diploma had a date, but that wasn't helpful, either.  I used to be totally anal about writing dates on the backs of pictures, but apparently not for graduation pictures.  I finally found a little laminated card that the bank gave us (why do I save this stuff??) that had the date of May 30th on it.  So I'm going with that.  I have no picture of my shoes from that day.  My mom looked for pictures (hi, Mom!) and couldn't find any with my feet in them.  She sent me a text saying apparently I graduated without feet. :-)  I remember it was really hot that day, so I know I was wearing sandals of some kind, but other than that I got nothing.  Clearly I was not obsessed with my footwear at the time.  Actually that makes sense as I went from wearing lots of different shoes with different outfits in high school to basically wearing nothing but Birkenstocks and hiking boots.  The mind boggles, doesn't it?  Apparently the calendar knew about the anniversary, as today's picture is from the 90s:
These aren't jumping off the page and screaming at me in joy or anything, but they are cute enough.  I definitely like a cute t-strap, and red is always fun.  They're Louboutin though, which means I would never ever be able to afford them.  Oh well...I shall now go back to contemplating how it could be 20 years since High School.  Not that I want to go back there, but it doesn't seem quite possible to have been that long.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, just wait until it's been FORTY years since COLLEGE! Yikes! My 60th birthday is coming up and I keep thinking "Wait! I was only 30 when I started working at ... and that was only a few years ago!" and other similar things. Fortunately, I have adjusted to the idea, but it does seem impossible. If 60 years went by THIS fast, I sure do want to live to be 100, cuz otherwise life really is too short! Jo
