Friday, May 31, 2013

Is It Too Late For an Apology?

These are from the 80s, and remind me of a pair my sister had when she was in High School.  They didn't have the cutouts or the snakeskin, so they weren't exactly the same, but they still remind me of her boots.  She had this yellow outfit that she often wore them with:  yellow slacks; belted, plaid (I think?) yellow shirt; with the pants tucked into the boots, of course.  I thought it was the coolest outfit, and was totally jealous of her.  We are 6 1/2 years apart, so I had major sister envy.  One day I borrowed the outfit.  Without asking.  And I spilled something red on it.  Of course.  Thankfully my mom helped me get the stain out, and I returned it to my sister's closet.  I'm not sure if I ever told her, or if my mom ever told her, but it was wrong on all kinds of levels.  So, is it too late to apologize?  Hey, seester, I am really sorry I was a crap little sister in so very many ways.  I'll try to apologize for everything else later, but today I apologize for borrowing stuff without asking, and always spilling something on that stuff.  Thanks for being an awesome big sister and putting up with me for so long!


  1. Since she wasn't allowed to smother you in your sleep she didn't have much choice but to put up with you! ME

    1. Awwww...moms are always so good for the ego...
