Sunday, May 12, 2013

Acolytes and Bishops and Puppets and Preschoolers

The evening seems to have gotten away from me, so I'm sliding today's post in just under the wire.  It was an exciting day at church as the Bishop from the Lutheran Church in Rwanda was visiting us.  Our synod has a companion relationship with them, so the bishop was here for Synod Assembly last week, and then we were fortunate enough to have him visit our congregation this morning.  After church the hubby, the senior pastor and his wife, and I took the bishop to a local winery where we had a really wonderful picnic lunch.  It was great to have a chance to visit and get to know him a little bit.  My 2 favorite parts of the day were during the 2nd service.  First the preschool choir sang 2 songs for the congregation, and they were adorable as always.  After that Gabby the little blue puppet came to talk to the bishop.  Gabby had a blast, and the bishop was a really good sport to talk to a hyper-crazy puppet in something other than his first language.
In shoe news, here are more acolyte feet:

The acolyte on the left took it in stride, while the one on the right said, "really?  You're really going to take a picture of my feet?"  While her mother rolled her eyes and said I had a foot fetish.  Ahem...I have a SHOE fetish, thank you very much.

1 comment:

  1. Well...if you did have a foot fetish, I think these feet would make good ones to have it about. They look so pretty in their lovely sandals! I now have old-lady feet...ugh. I really hate that part...and a lot of other things...about getting old. Even if I deny that I'm getting old, the calendar keeps trying to tell me I am. But I'm NOT ancient. And I'm not going to be that even if I live to be 100! :-D Jo
