Monday, May 13, 2013


Today's calendar picture is whimsical:

The shape is not terribly attractive, but that's a wedge made out of legos!  Who doesn't like legos?  Well, except for when you step on them in the dark...  But, you know what comes next, right?  Yep!  I did a search for lego shoes!
These are even uglier than the wedges.  Fun to build, not attractive to wear.

Considering they are Crocs, I actually think these are really cute.

Awww...girly shoes!  I would have liked to see them in more than just pink, but I think they are cute.  There was a picture of what were probably boy shoes, too, but it was really tiny and you couldn't see the detail very well.  So there you  have it.  Lego shoes.  Maybe the hubby needs some for his upcoming trip to Ohio...


  1. You're right ugly shoes! I'm not the one who blabbed. ME

    1. Funny! I didn't even think when I typed that. I really don't think A reads this blog, but you never know. :-)

  2. Well, I disagree that the Lego pumps are uglier than the wedges. They are definitely weird, but I think the wedges are WAAAYYYY uglier! At least the pumps have pretty colors! The girly shoes are adorable, though. Jo
