Friday, May 24, 2013


As promised, here are shoes from yesterday's preschool graduation, in which I first played the part of the pastor, and then played the role of the weird adult who takes pictures of kids' shoes.

They're blue, so of course I love them.  They were paired with an equally adorable blue and white dress.  Also, sparkles!

Yep.  Those are John Deere Boots.  How awesome is that?

Little sister wanted me to take a picture of her boots, too.  How can I say no to adorable red boots and the adorable toddler wearing them?

Middle sister wasn't wearing boots, but she wasn't going to be left out of the action.  I love these 3.  They are so sweet.  They are the same sisters from the last picture from Hawaiian Day, and there middle sister is wearing pink boots.  I kind of want to adopt all three of them.


  1. Do you really want to adopt them or just their foot wear? ME

    1. Well, their footwear would be too small. I can't tell you how sweet and adorable these 3 are.

  2. A little girl wearing John Deere boots? That's gotta be about as adorable as it gets! Of course, the red ones are pretty awesome too. What fun you have with these kids and their shoes. And I would love to see you adopt them too, but I'm guessing their parents would not like it! Sigh....Jo
