Saturday, May 25, 2013


I had turned my computer off and was getting ready for bed when I realized I hadn't even thought about posting today.  It wasn't a hectic day or anything, I apparently just spaced it.  Actually, it was quite a lovely day.  A friend and I went to the farmers' market this morning, and then spent time in our lovely backyard.  After she left I had a nap, did some housework, and finished my sermon.  So now I'm slipping this in with almost an hour to spare!  So, to the calendar:
After really liking the 2 days before, I was less impressed with these.  I'm not mad at them or anything, I actually think they're cute, mostly.  I just don't like the handkerchief part for some reason.  Not even really sure why.

Also not my favorite, although I like where they were going.  I don't like the platform on this particular shoe.  I do like that it's a spectator pump, though, and I like the pop of color with the yellow.

These are just ugly.  Apparently the camera thought so too, because this was the best of the 3 pictures I took.  These are from the 30s again, and I like that it looks like a mandarin collar.  Unfortunately the cuteness of the idea is ruined by the clunkiness of the overall shoe, and the horrible rubber soles.  Unless it's The Beatles' Rubber Soul, I guess I'm just not interested...


  1. Are they shoes or over shoes (galoshes)? 'Cause they're over shoes they aren't that bad and your lovely shoes would continue to be lovely. ME

    1. Good call! I went back and reread the description and they ARE overshoes! I feel better about them now. :-)

    2. Glad I could be of assistance! We wore those all winter when I was a kid, snow boots came along about junior high. Of course being a kid mine lacked the chunky heel. ME
