Sunday, May 26, 2013

Another Good Day

Today was nice.  I was solo at church since the senior pastor took a vacation day.  I got to baptize an adorable baby.  She cried when I poured the water on her head, but then we snuggled, so maybe I'm forgiven.  After church I met a friend from seminary who is visiting from Colorado.  The BSF was also able to join us, so I had 2/3 of my wedding pastors in one place!  Yay.  If we could have made it 3 for 3 it would have been even more awesome, but I don't think the 3rd would have been willing to drive down from Washington.  Bummer.  I was going to take a picture of our feet because we were all coordinating with blue somehow.  The BSF  had on blue flip flops, DKA had black sandals with blue toenails, and I had blue sandals AND blue toenails.  But we all know I have a small addiction to blue.  It's just small, though.  I can stop any time I want!  I also forgot to take a picture of our heads.  Dang, I hate it when I don't document stuff.  I love pictures.  Maybe too much.  Maybe as much as blue.  Anyway, setting my weird addictions and my increasingly bad memory aside, here are my feet:
These are the other shoes I got on major sale the other day (along with the lime green ones).  I love sales.  So, I was wearing these shoes this morning before church for the running around portion of my morning.  I started worship, and it wasn't until I was starting the sermon and about to kick off my heels when I realized I'd forgotten (uh oh, memory again) to put on the heels.  I had multiple people comment on my lack of "fun" shoes after church.  Seriously, I should be able to write them off on my taxes with as much as my congregation gets invested in the silly things!


  1. Your congregation is just silly or doofy or punny or tookie (youngest niece)if they don't think those are fun shoes. ME

  2. Hehe, I agree with that^^^^ Those are the exact words I would've chosen!:)
