Sunday, May 19, 2013


Today is Pentecost in the church calendar.  It's the day we celebrate the "birthday" of the church.  It's the day, 50 days after Easter (hence the penta), that the Holy Spirit came to the disciples, and to us.  Last year I set the baptismal fount on fire.  Don't worry, it was on purpose!  And it was awesome.

With my Swiss Cheese brain, I totally forgot I did it until this morning.  Not that I necessarily would have repeated it, but I can't believe I spaced it out.
Anyway, the color of Pentecost, as you can see above, is red.   Which means I get to break out my ordination shoes for the occasion.  I asked the acolyte (also the Sr. Pastor's daughter) to take a picture.

I love it.  She set the camera right smack on the floor for the shot.  Cracks me up.
The Sr. Pastor is no fun and won't let us buy him red, shiny shoes for Pentecost, but at least he wore fun red socks.
Even the shoe calendar got into the spirit today.
I'm sure it's just coincidence, but I like that they are red.  They are from Europe, around 1850, which is cool.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go research mid-19th Century outfits to go with these boots, and then maybe find something to set on fire.


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