Saturday, May 18, 2013

So Very Many Shoes

I had a meeting at the church this morning at 8:30.  It was early on a Saturday, and my brain was less engaged for the getting dressed process.  I decided to wear a dress because it was comfortable and I didn't have to iron it.  Then there was the matter of shoes.  My flowered sandals would have gone nicely, and I have worn them before with this dress, but I wasn't in the mood to put up with the thing between my toes.  So I went with these:
I've had them forever, they are comfy, they are cute and casual.  They don't really go with the dress, though, I just chose them as the best option for my parameters today.  And therein lies the beauty and the annoyance of shoes:  There are just so darn many of them.  I kept thinking how cute a pair of coral, navy, turquoise, or green sandals would look with this dress.  I have none of those.  And truthfully, I don't really NEED any of them, either.  I'm not going to buy a pair of shoes for every possible outfit or color combination  Sometimes, though, I have an image in my head of the perfect shoe I want for an outfit, and it kind of sucks when that shoe isn't in my closet.  Now I just need a Star Trek replicator that will produce that shoe on demand.

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