Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Preschool Feets

There were a lot of cute shoes at Preschool chapel today.  There always are, but I had my camera with me because it was Hawaiian day today and the kids looked stinkin' adorable.  If it weren't for privacy issues I would share more than just their feet, but alas, you will just have to take my word on how cute they were.
Blue sparkles!

Pink Sparkles on really wiggly feet!

Pink and orange.  And Plaid!

Silvery blue sparkles!

Stylin sisters!


  1. The socks and blue sparkles remind me of Tink & Pippi except theirs are gold and silver. ME

  2. Wow, I think kids' shoes are so adorable, and these are some of the best! I love all sparkly things, and those shiny pink cowgirl boots are really fun! I also love tiny baby shoes - the are just too cute for words. Jo
