Tuesday, May 14, 2013


OK, one more wedding shoes post.  I've already done blue and red.  I also looked at green, and these kept popping up.

Maybe these are all from the same wedding, I'm not sure.  Although the top and bottom pictures don't look like the same dress.  There were also lots of other green shoes, of course, but the reason that I noticed these, is that I used to have this same pair of shoes!

Terrible picture of my legs, but there are the shoes.  I bought them for my installation at the church here.  It was during the green season, so I wanted green shoes to go with the paraments.  I don't actually have the shoes anymore because they pinched my toes something horrible when I wore them for any length of time.  They went into last year's church rummage sale, and hopefully they found a good home.  Maybe someone wore them in their wedding!

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