Friday, May 17, 2013

Syttende My Ordination

Yeah, OK, the title of this post is an extremely bad pun.  Today is Syttende Mai, or Norwegian Constitution Day.  I am Norwegian on my mom's side, but we didn't acknowledge this day in any way growing up, and I really didn't know much about it until I set my ordination date for May 17 and got inundated by comments from Norwegian friends.  Today is the 5th anniversary of my ordination.  Because the BSF is awesome, and because I had a shoe thing even then, she took this picture on the day of my ordination:

I was doing some kind of foot twirly thing.  Who knows why.  I love that skirt.  I can't remember whose feet are next to mine in the black sandals.  It was an awesome day, but a lot of it is a bit of a blur.
Now for the other part of this day.  Here are some Norwegian-inspired, Norwegian-adjacent, and maybe even actual Norwegian shoes.  Or not.


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