Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wedding Blues

The picture that makes up the header of my blog page is from my wedding.  Mine are the blue shoes with the ivory dress (probably fairly obvious) and the other feet belong to 3 of my friends from seminary who performed the ceremony.  Yes, we had 3 pastors do our wedding.  Some people have lots of bridesmaids, I had lots of pastors.  I could have had more, I seem to know 1 or 2 people who are in the profession.  Anyway, here is another picture from our wedding day:

You can't really see much of the shoes, but you can see enough to tell that they matched my sash (which was awesome, and I loved it).  I've wanted blue wedding shoes for a long time, and I knew this wasn't an original idea, but today I searched to see what else was out there.  A lot, as you can probably imagine.  Here is just a smattering.

I still love my shoes the best.  I had them dyed to match my sash which matched some of the bridesmaids dresses.  I wanted a shoe with some bling on it, but the ones I really liked in the dyed to match section were slingbacks, and they didn't have my size at the time I was looking.  So, I ordered a pair that I liked, and then bought shoe clips.  Blue wedding shoes are awesome.


  1. All the blue shoes in your wedding party were awesome but especially yours.

  2. I agree, but then I tend to be a bit biased...
