Monday, May 6, 2013


I had one of those days where I felt way too busy and also like I got nothing done.  I got stuff done, it just feels like I am so far behind I may never get caught up.  Is it possible to get so far behind you can actually lap yourself?  I used to have this vision of myself as an adult:  I would be an amazing woman who was organized, gracious, accomplished, etc.  Well, genetically and age-wise, I am a woman, so I got one of them at least.  I used to be more organized.  We don't even have children and I feel like I can't stay caught up.  So, I decided to look at ideas for organizing shoes.  Mine are currently in a large pile on the closet floor because my shoe rack buckled under the strain.  Here are just a few ideas that caught my eye.

I have seen this idea before and like how the shoes would be organized and out of sight.  I would need more than one, though.  And it doesn't have room for boots.
I love this.  If only we had a stairway.  It would work for other storage besides shoes, too.
Classy.  Wish we had a walk-in closet.
Yes, please.  Again, I would need a closet big enough for it.  Maybe my dad should just come build me an extra room...


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