Friday, June 14, 2013


Today was the last day of VBS.  There were lots of little (and not so little) issues throughout the week, but I hope that most of the kiddos had a good time.  They make me smile when they aren't driving me crazy, and a bunch of them go out of their way to say hi and get a hug, which always brightens my day.  I spent the week putting out fires, naming Kindergarten freckles, listening to tattles, doing puppet shows, buying, sorting, organizing, trying to keep track of supplies, seeing smiling faces, trying to tune out whining, and making the kids think I was crazy because I took pictures of their shoes.  I actually had my camera today and took a few:
Fun Keens.  And some more in the background that I didn't notice when I took the picture!

Pretty, flowered sandals.  I would totally wear these.

Same Keens, different kid...

More Keens.  Feet belong to the twin of the girl in the first picture.

Sisters!  They asked specifically for me to take a picture of their matching shoes.


Tie-dye!  She wouldn't let me have them, though. :-(
So another camp is over.  I'm now ready to sleep for approximately a week.


  1. That tie-dyed pair is totally you! If they were big enough maybe you should have mugged her. ME

    1. I think we had enough drama at camp without the pastor mugging one of the campers! :-)
