Thursday, June 13, 2013


I am soooo tired.  Everyone is starting to get tired, kids and volunteers alike.  Today I felt like all I did was put out fires and listen to people tattle on each other.  It's one thing when the kids tattle, but then some of the adults started in.  I love many things about camp weeks, but man they just wear me out.  Even though this is the 8th camp I've done at this church I still feel like I'm faking it, and that I really have no idea what I'm doing.  There's a lot of guilt and self-doubt that comes out those feelings.  I had a friend who would always try to get me to list and acknowledge the things I did well, but when I think of this week all I can think is that it's "fine."  Hopefully the kids will at least get a little something out of it.  I know some of them are having a great time.
So, shoes.  I'm too tired to be creative.  I don't think I even have anything in reserve to break out.  There were cute shoes at camp today but every time I saw them my camera would be elsewhere.  There are a few sets of twins here this week (and one set of triplets!) and one set had the most adorable Keens, but I didn't get a picture.  Maybe they'll wear them again tomorrow.  In the meantime, I just looked some up:

I would wear any of them, but I totally want the tie-dye pair!

1 comment:

  1. If it makes you feel any better, I had no idea what Keens were till you started posting pictures of them. So you educated me with your VBS, at least. Not that I was exactly your target audience, but hey, I'm just sayin...
