Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I mentioned the other day that I was pretty sure I had bronchitis and another sinus infection.  Sometimes it sucks to be right.  I saw my PA yesterday and my pulmonologist today, and sure enough, I have both.  So I'm back on Prednisone and Augmentin.  I really hate my body sometimes.  Now the husband is sick, too.  I'm totally jealous that he gets to stay home while I drag my whiny butt to work.  I preached tonight, and I have a funeral on Friday, and I preach again on Sunday.  I deserve new shoes.  OK, I don't deserve shoes.  But a girl can dream, right?  Here are a few selections from the site that shall not be named because it attracts spammers:

I'm just *sure* that any or all of these would make me feel much much better!

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