Thursday, June 20, 2013

Amazing Preschool Teachers

As the post title suggests, we have some awesome and amazing preschool teachers here at church.  We have a program for 3 year olds, 4 year olds, and Kinder-ready, and our entire staff is really wonderful.  I'm giving them a shout-out today, but they deserve it every day because they are so creative, patient, and loving with our children.  Today I could hear one child having an absolute fit about something, and the teacher dealing with him just kept using the same calm voice to talk to him and help him until he calmed down.  They deal with temper tantrums, transition issues, separation anxiety, children on the spectrum, and much much more.  I know they get frustrated a lot, but I have to commend them on how they handle both themselves and the children.  I try to take tips from watching them interact with their students.  I know I'm not always as patient as I could be, and I know I get frustrated too easily, so they are all wonderful role models.  In honor of them and the work they do, here are some creative, hilarious, and somewhat weird foot crafts for preschoolers:

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