Sunday, June 23, 2013

Faith Restored

About 5 minutes after I posted my rant about funerals on Friday, I got a phone call from another funeral director asking me to do another service on Tuesday.  I called the husband of the woman whose funeral it would be and got voicemail.  During intermission at the play that night I listened to a message he left asking if we could find time to get together so he could bring pictures and tell me about her so I would know a little something of their lives.  He and his grandson just left after our meeting, and he was totally the opposite of Friday's experience.  He and his wife had been married for 46 years after meeting in Germany while he was in the service.  The met and were married within about 3 months, and she left her family and her country to move here to the states with him.  It was clear from talking to him how much he loved her, and how he wanted to share his experiences of their life together.  After my rant the other day, I want to reiterate that I understand that everyone reacts differently to grief.  I know I was judgy the other day, and I was speaking out of a lot of frustration.  Today's meeting helped to heal a bit of that frustration.  Not an easy transition in this case.  I decided to look for wedding shoes from the 60s, in honor of his sharing their wedding story with me.

Usual disclaimer...this is what popped up in a search.  I don't take a lot of time to verify that they actually are from the 60s, or are, in fact, wedding shoes.  Hey, you still have your wedding shoes?  Wanna send me a picture?


  1. I'm sure I still have them just don't where to look. They were similar to yours except only a 4" heel, no ankel strap & closed, pointy toes. I'll see is I can find a picture or the actual shoes. ME

    1. So, they were just like mine only different? :-)

    2. Exactly! Same basic style in white satin.
