Monday, June 24, 2013


Today's calendar offering:

These are from the 90s.  I like the shiny, but the overall klunkiness does nothing for me.  I never wore huge shoes in the 90s, but I had a friend who did.  We worked at summer camp together for 2 summers...the 2nd together in the kitchen as Head and Assistant Cook (I was the Assistant).  She wore the biggest shoes of anyone I knew at the time.  They were big and clumpy and loud, and she was the coolest person I knew.  I often wondered how she could walk and stand in those shoes all day in the kitchen.  This was in my Birkenstock phase of life, so I was in awe of her shoes.  This post is dedicated to her, even though I don't know if she actually reads this blog.


  1. I read this blog! I do! I was recovering from surgery, though during this fine week in June and then never caught up with my blogs. Also, drugs are bad. xo

    1. Drugs ARE bad! Although, you might try reading this on them, might be way more entertaining! :-)
