Friday, June 28, 2013


Hey, remember these?  Today on facebook my second cousin posted this picture for me:

It's the same kind of shoe, but this time with actual feet, so I can see how they fit.  I still wouldn't wear them, and I still think they are crazy, not to mention, probably horrible for your feet, but hey, the pictures are fun!  Someone go find a pair and try them on for me, kay?
In other news, I finished my Prednisone and antibiotics this week.  Anyone want to place bets on  how soon my next prescriptions will be?

1 comment:

  1. I have to say this is one of the few times I haven't agreed with you. I totally love these shoes and did when you first posted them. They just look really slinky and sexy to me! And fun and glamorous! I wish I could wear them! I am not ANY of those things any more (Well, MAYBE I could say I'm FUN, but that's the only possible one.)'s nice to know we are totally identical shoe twins. jc
