Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Heart Books

If you've met me then you know that I love to read.  I would rather read than do almost anything else, and often I wish I could read while doing other things.  I read novels, mysteries, memoirs, historical fiction, fantasy, and I have a whole list of favorite authors.  One of these authors is Jane Austen.  I love her.  Charlotte Bronte, too.  Emily not so much.  I struggled through Wuthering Heights, and wanted to slap every character in it.  I have read the Jane Austen books multiples times, especially Pride and Prejudice.  I even read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies just for kicks.  I've read some of the Jane Austen fan-fic stuff, too.  Some of it is good, others not so much.  I bring this up, because the other day I was on Pinterest poking around (I still have no idea if I'm doing it "right") and found this:
Which, I thought was really cool, but it was filed under the Jane Austen section, and these dates range from 1890-1920.  NOT the right era.  But still, we all know how I love a good button hook, and the shoes to go with them.  I would totally wear those boots.  And I've posted some similar shoes to the ones in the top row, before.  I'm sure those decades had some lovely books attributed too them as well.

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