Thursday, June 6, 2013

Got Tape?

A parishioner stopped by my office today and was very excited to give me a gift.  He said he and his wife were out shopping and that they just had to get it for me.  I had an idea of what it might be, and sure enough when he opened the bag, there it was:

A tape dispenser shaped like a shoe!  He and his wife both had huge grins on their faces, and she asked me if I had one.  I smiled back and said, nope.
OK, so it was a tiny white lie.  I don't have one, I had 4, now 5.  And I don't have THIS particular one.  This one is actually cool because you can personalize it by coloring it in with permanent markers.  All 5 are gifts from parishioners, and they're always so cute when they give them to me.  I just can't say anything but thank you.  But seriously, if you need tape, give me a call, because I've got a surplus.


  1. So sweet! That is quite a collection and the new one is cool. Bet you never could have imagined when you were a kid and trying to figure out something to collect that it would be fun shoe related stuff.

  2. I wanted to buy one of those for you recently too...good thing I resisted. I thought maybe you would have gotten it for yourself. Little did I know. :-)

