Friday, June 7, 2013


The hubby and I rarely watch regular TV.  I rarely have time to watch any TV lately, and when I do, it's usually on Netflix or the DVR.  So I don't see many commercials, which is why I missed this one:
It's cheesy and adorable, and apparently caused so many racist remarks that Youtube had to shut down the comments section for the video.  Come on, people, what century is this?  As the aunty of a mixed race niece, and the (hopefully) future mama of mixed race babies, I get really angry at people's responses to something like this.  This child is beautiful.  Her TV family reflects families across the world, just like a commercial with a white, Asian, black, Latino family.  Just like a commercial with 2 mommies or 2 daddies.  Just like a commercial with multiple generations.  We are ALL children of God.  We are ALL made in the image of God.  As much as I loved the Far Side cartoon, God is NOT an old white man on a cloud.  Now, if you like picturing God as an old white man, then more power to you, but don't foist that view on others.  The child pictured above is created in God's image just as much as all the old white men in the world.  Getting pissed off because a cheesy commercial depicts a family just like thousands of other families simply reflects that you do not live in the same reality as the rest of us.  As much as that pisses ME off, it also makes me incredibly sad for people in that other reality.  Think of how much joy and life you miss out by staying in your narrow viewpoint.
No shoes today, just me venting to get that off my chest.  Back to the regularly scheduled shoes tomorrow.


  1. Well said!!!! Rant away. ME

  2. DITTO! I was furious about this. I loved this commercial, and she is beautiful, and it was SO cool to see a family like that FINALLY on a commercial! I would like to see them make a whole bunch more similar ones and thumb their noses at the protestors so they start having to live with it. Eventually, they will get the point or they turn off their TVs! I'm so happy to see TV shows that are finally getting more realistic (though I'm really angry that they canceled "The New Normal", which was the most wonderful show with gay men in it that I've ever seen), but it's interesting that commercials hadn't followed suit. Advertisers know they will be taking risks, and don't do it lightly. Kudos to those who did, and hopefully they'll do it more. Jo
