Monday, June 3, 2013

Star Trek

The hubby and I went to see the New Star Trek movie tonight.  I admit it, I'm a trekkie.  I've seen all the movies and all of the different series.  Now, I'm not saying I can speak Klingon or that I'd like to have a Star Trek themed wedding or anything, I just enjoy the franchise.  So today was fun.  And of course I searched for shoes.

I'm not sure I would actually wear any of them (especially not the second pair with Spock and Kirk's giant faces staring at me), except for the last pair.  I think those are kitschy and adorable.  I've got The Original and new Star Treks covered, as well as The Next Generation, but I couldn't find any shoes for Enterprise, Deep Space Nine, or Voyager.  Which is rude.  If I'm going to geek out with a post, I want to do it all the way, you know?

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