Sunday, June 2, 2013

June 2nd

Today is the third anniversary of my grandmother's death.  My grandma was awesome in so many ways.  She loved us through food like a good, Norwegian grandmother (90% of the stories we came up with after she died were about her feeding us).  She always had Kleenex in her purse, and always made a point to tell us that it was "crumpled, but clean."  Is there a grandmother out there handing her grandkids crumpled, dirty tissue?!  She used to call my brother's car the whoopee wagon, which made us laugh hysterically, but whoopee in her vocabulary meant something different than  hers.  I don't remember my grandma ever wearing anything but sensible shoes in my lifetime.  Which makes perfect sense as she had bad knees.  Apparently, though, she was quite the fashion plate when she was younger, so I'm assuming that came with at least one pair of fabulous shoes.  I don't have any pictures with which to back that assumption up, though.
In other news, we had another baptism as church today, and there were so many fun shoes in that family!  Baby's great-grandma had some fabulous green flats on.  Baby's sponsor was wearing really cute white, lacy wedges.  I was scanning the congregation during service wishing I could take pictures of feet like I do with the preschoolers.  But that would just be incredibly creepy and weird.  And people think I'm weird enough as it is.  Oh!  And the baby was wearing a tie with his onesie!  I didn't have any pictures that tied in with today's post, so I did some searching.  Hope you enjoy some adorable baby shoes for baptisms.



  1. I remember several pairs of pretty cool shoes. Heels but never as high as what you wear, they just weren't the fashion. ME

    1. I can't even imagine Grandma wearing super high heels. I'm sure she had some cute ones, though. I might have to look next time I'm home and see if I can find photographic evidence. :-)
