Sunday, June 30, 2013


I redid my toes recently, and the bottle said the color was turquoise.  I thought it looked more green, and still do, but liked the color and went with it anyway.  What do you think?  Turquoise or more toward the green family?
Outside, in natural light, they look more green to me.

 These are the shoes I wore to church today (not on all the way for the picture, which is why my toes are scrunched), and I definitely thought they looked green in comparison to the shoe, but in this picture, I'm leaning more toward turquoise again.  Go here for a better view of the shoe, although be prepared for creepy first.

Inside.  Bathroom light.  Turquoise background.  Looks pretty close the same color.  So what do I know?  Maybe the bottle was correct.
In other news, today marks the 6th month anniversary of writing this blog.  I started December 30th, and have only missed 1 day since then.  It's been fun.  Except for my mom, though (hi, Mom!), I'm not really sure anyone actually reads it.  Which is maybe OK, but it seems kind of silly to keep putting stuff out there if no one actually reads any of it.  My page views are definitely on a down-ward trend.  This isn't a pity party (what kind of shoes would I wear to a pity party?), just a throwing it out there kind of deal.  If you read on a regular basis, and would like to continue to read on a regular basis, would you let me know?  Thanks!


  1. Well you know I do for sure. ME

  2. I read them to just don't comment. I really look forward to them very morning :)

    Your trusty
    Parish Assistant!
