Friday, July 5, 2013


I was procrastinating on my sermon earlier by looking at Facebook, and Shoe Box P--- presented me with the following:

Some people might look at these and just see a pair of black and silver pumps with snakes on them.  I look at these and think, Gross!  Slytherin shoes!  Because I am a giant Harry Potter fan, and Slytherin is icky.  So of course, then I had to go search for Harry Potter shoes.  There are a TON.  At first I was going to make this just a general Harry Potter post, but then as I was searching I found a bunch that were just Slytherin, so decided to go with those, even though they are evil.  Plus, this means I can do posts on the other houses.  Woohoo!

There are more, of course, but these are just a few I selected for their different styles.  And I'm not alone in my thinking, because in my search I found these:
Same shoes as above!  And they were described as Slytherin shoes.  Except that the colors are wrong, so someone was confused.  Yep, I am a dork.  And I like it.


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