Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July

I am so very disappointed in the shoe calendar for today:

These are hideous in general; they are like a craft project gone horribly wrong.  They are from the 90s, but that doesn't even excuse them.  Plus, it's the 4th of July.  I don't need full on stars on stripes, but they couldn't go with the theme even a little bit?  I would have settled for a red or blue pair of shoes.  On the other hand, Shoe Box P--- totally went with the theme:

The pumps are cute.  The booties are hideous, but I will take hideous in the name of a theme over weird puff-ball sandals any day.
It's possible I'm just cranky because I am on day 2 of the monster bitch headache from hell, which is absolutely no fun.  Thankfully it's a holiday so I can stay home and relax and hope it goes away before tomorrow.   Hope you are having a fabulous day however you are celebrating!


  1. The are ugly. They look like they're made out of gumdrops. ME

  2. I thought those sandals WERE a craft project. Gumdrops on a piece of cardboard. UG-LEEE. I hate the booties too. I pretty much hate all booties, though some are better than others...and those things you call ankle imprisonment too. Yuk. I can't believe some of the things celebrities wear them with - they make their legs look short and stumpy and I don't think I've ever seen any that actually enhanced an outfit. I hope it's a short-lived fad cuz it's already gone on too long for me, and I can't even wear the stupid things! jc
