Friday, July 19, 2013


Today is Flower's Gotcha Day.  If  you've never heard the term, it's the day we celebrate getting her.  The seester and brother-in-law were in China 7 years ago today, meeting a beautiful baby who would add joy to their, and our, lives.  We are so blessed to have her as part of our family!  Since it's her Gotcha Day, I thought I would go look and see what I could find in cute shoes for Chinese girls.  Unfortunately I had to wade through foot binding pictures, and no one needs another rant, especially on a happy day like today.  I found this pair before I got the hell out of that particular search:
These are beautiful, and made for children, so they're SUPPOSED to be small.  Flower sometimes has trouble with shoes because her heels are so narrow, and the shoes slip off.  Kind of like me and sling-backs, only on a much more extreme level.
Since we are talking about one of the nieces today, and since I am also a niece, I will also post a picture my aunt sent me today.
The aunt is currently visiting a friend of hers, and this the foot of the friend's daughter, who is (I think) in her early 20s.  She just got these cute shoes at Target.  My Target never seems to have any cute shoes lately.  Rude.  Oh well.  These are cute.  Good for you, Aunt's friend's daughter!
And once again, Happy Gotcha Day, Flower!  So so so happy you are in our lives!


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