Thursday, July 18, 2013


This is my 200th post, which is pretty cool.  I stopped writing my last blog after 194 posts, so even if I stop writing this one I can at least say I wrote more entries than on my first try.  On a bit of a whim last night I did an image search for "200 shoes" just to see what would appear.  These were the very first picture:
I LOVE these shoes.  I want them.  They are adorable and my feet are sad with out them.

These are OK.  One of the bows needs to go and then maybe they would be better. cute!

I could care less about the tennis shoes, I just think the glow in the dark shoelaces are fun.
I also love these.  So cute!  I have no idea what any of these shoes have to do with the number 200.  Actually, I sort of do.  The top ones were listed  under "wedding shoes for under $200."  As for the rest, I wasn't so sure.  But it doesn't really matter since the search was just to find shoes for this post.


  1. I know a bunch of girls that would agree with you on the glow in the dark laces. I even like the 1st pair. ME

    1. Wow...look at you...posting during daylight!
