Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Watch out, I should be wearing these shoes today:

Can I complain for a moment?  You can stop reading now if you would like.  I went shopping today.  We are headed to MT next week for the wedding of one of my favorite people in the world, and I wanted something new to wear, so off I went.  Blah.  I love shopping for shoes but I really hate shopping for clothes.  There was a period of about 5 minutes last year when I almost enjoyed it because I had lost 40 lbs and I was looking pretty good.  Then I got sick.  And I got sick again.  There were antibiotics and more antibiotics.  There was stress of various levels.  The drugs made me bloated.  The stress made me eat.  I've gained all of the weight back and some more.  I'm at the heaviest I have ever been and it sucks.  So I hate shopping.  I hate fluorescent lights and 3-way mirrors.  I hate that things look cute until I put them on and then they lose any shape whatsoever.  I'm cranky.  I'm pissed.  And I want to kick things.  I did buy a dress.  It's fine.  Whatever.
I'll stop now and show you some boots.
My aunt sent me this picture today; she found the boots in an antique store.  I think they are fun.  Don't think I'd wear them, but I can appreciate where they are going.  Plus, I love that my aunt sent me a picture for the blog!
If you've made it this far, through all of my bitching, here is several minutes of baby giggling to cleanse your palate.  It made me giggle a lot yesterday and will hopefully make me marginally less pissy today.


1 comment:

  1. No way you can still be cranky after watching those babies!
