Monday, July 8, 2013


So, we've established that I very much dislike Slytherin, and wish I could be in Gryffindor.  Up next is Ravenclaw, the house I would hope to be in if I didn't get sorted into Gryffindor.  I'm not sure about this one, though, either, as Ravenclaws are really really smart.  I'm OK in the smart department, but I'm not sure it's my best quality ever.  Onto the shoes, which are very similar to yesterday's selections, only with Ravenclaw's colors and crest.  There are a lot of HP shoes out there, but I'm definitely finding sets of shoes for each of the houses.

I definitely wouldn't mind Ravenclaw considering one of their colors is blue.  Which, of course, is awesome.  I really want those pumps.
Hey, remember when I asked when my next round of antibiotics would be?  Well, if you guessed somewhere in the vicinity of 2 weeks, you'd be right!  I've been feeling pretty crappy since Thursday or Friday last week.  Massive sinus pressure (monster bitch headache from hell), fever, sweating, coughing, ear pressure, etc.  I finally forced myself to go to Urgent Care today since my dr's office never called me back, and I have a sinus infection.  The Dr. actually said, "well, you already know what you have.  Do you have a preference on which antibiotic you want?"  Oy...I should just be able to write my own prescriptions at this point.


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